The URL that was found. The name of the file containing the found URL. Click here to launch the found URL. Click here if you're done with this dialog. Click here to display the next URL found. Enter the text you want to search for here. Click here if you decide you really don't want to perform a search after all. Click here to search for the above text in the folder you chose. You can edit this URL. Click here to leave the URL untouched. Click here to confirm your changes and replace the old URL with the new one. Click here to save the specified URL to a URL Clerk bookmark file. Enter the desired URL here. Click here to cancel and leave this dialog. Click here to launch the appropriate helper application and go to the specified URL. The name of the URL Clerk bookmark file you want to launch. Click here to if you don't want to launch the chosen URL Clerk bookmark file and would like to remove it's name from below. Click here to choose the URL Clerk bookmark file you want to launch. Click here to discard your changes and close this dialog. Click here when you're satisfied with your changes. Toggles whether or not URL Clerk automatically converts normal text and clip files into URL Clerk bookmark files when they are launched. You should probably leave this on. Toggles whether or not URL Clerk quits automatically after launching a URL Clerk bookmark file. Turn off if you have a transfer scheduled that you would like to execute more than once! This menu contains standard editing commands along with a way to change how URL Clerk behaves under certain circumstances. Quits URL Clerk. Opens up a dialog box where you can schedule a URL Clerk bookmark file to launch automatically at a set time. Allows you to search for a URL in a folder full of bookmark files. Allows you to edit the URL stored in an existing file. Allows you to launch a previously saved URL. Opens up a dialog box where you can enter a URL and save or launch it. This menu gives you access to many of URL Clerk's features. Displays URL Clerk credits.